What matters is not what has happened, what matters is the six-month out or a year out where are we. Markets have corrected for two reasons. Earnings have slowed down and valuations were expensive. Let us examine both those factors. Where do valuations stand now and where are earnings headed? Once we know these two points, we can pretty much know the trajectory.
Harish Krishnan: So, you are bang on that earnings had started slowing from June quarter of last year. So, we are now almost, say, three quarters into that and possibly in Q1 of FY26 we will kind of complete that slowdown. Point number two was that while earnings in CY25 still may be sluggish, I think there have been two big policy resets that have happened in the month of February.
First is as far as the budget is concerned. For almost five years, we had the budget focusing on supply side reforms, which is PLI, tax cuts, efficiency improvements on logistics, etc. I think there has been a big shift for the first time in five years that the government has now focused back on consumption with the tax cuts.
It might be small, one lakh crores in the scheme of the bigger economy, but I think that signalling is far-far more powerful. Secondly, we will get into elections in two of the most popular states about 18 months from now and the government will definitely start to bring in more SOPs for the consumption-oriented sectors, say, about another 6 to 12 months from now.
The second bigger reset, like I said, is in terms of monetary policy. We had a very constructive monetary policy about a year from now and we are now starting to loosen it quite significantly.
The third, often not spoken about, is the currency depreciation. When currency does depreciate, of course, foreigners are wary about their local returns getting impacted by the currency depreciation and there is a pullout.
But what people do not realise is that Indian nominal earnings are significantly positively correlated with the depreciation of the rupee.
In our analysis, almost 60% of the top line of the top thousand companies are dollarized, so therefore, whenever the rupee does stabilise, I am not saying it should stabilise at 87, maybe it is 88 or 89.
Once it stabilises, we will see a tailwind of earnings growth coming from this pocket as well, which is why when I said that 6 to 12 months from now we will be talking of an earnings trajectory which will be markedly different from what we have seen in the last four or five quarters and which is what makes us positive at the margin that a lot of froth has gone away.
Now, coming to the second element that you rightly spoken about, how have valuations come off in this correction.
So, the median stock in BSE 500 has corrected by about 34%. I mean, this is data as of, say, last Thursday, maybe it has gone up slightly more.
Now, barring the global financial crisis and the COVID impact which saw even higher drawdowns, 35-36% is broadly where most of the corrections and we do see a correction of this nature every once in two years or once in three years, so there is nothing unusual.
So, which, again, gives me a sense that a lot of the froth which had got built in is kind of behind us. Thirdly, coming to valuations, from the largecap sense, we definitely are in a zone wherein valuations are now at average levels. But if I go down to small and microcaps, there still is a pocket of overvaluation.
When you think of the construct that we are in a slowing economic growth, at least for the next 12 months, yes there is going to be some acceleration beyond that, we think therefore that there is greater comfort in the larger companies at this point of time is where we would be positioning ourselves.
I will look at the other scenario and you never say never, which is that world slows down. Tariffs are at play. US fiscal deficit concerns, they start haunting us. What is looking like an opportunity for India becomes a global threat. What are the chances that globally something goes wrong, which it could, and then we fall further?
Harish Krishnan: So, Trump and his associated uncertainty is something that we have to live with for another four years. There is no doubt about that and therefore, every morning we have to look at what X brings in in the form of his tweets.
But I think that Mr Trump and his administration is currently at its strongest because they have an absolute majority and they have a thumping mandate from the electorate.
But go six months, nine months into the administration with the party wanting to retain its seats in the House and the Senate, I think that there will be a moderation in some of these policies, so that is point number one.
Second point is that it is not that Trump uncertainty only impacts India. In fact, if one may argue that we are possibly one of the lesser impacted countries given our standing and equation on the geopolitical front. If I look at global markets, it appears that most of the rest of the world including some of the markets which are otherwise perceived to be significantly impacted by his policies, be it Mexico, be it countries in the Europe or in China, their equity markets are singing a very different tune.
So, I think that while of course this is a probability and there is a hypothetical scenario that the global growth slows down and one should be watchful about that, no doubt about it, but I think that about six months back it did appear that the global growth cycle is going to be a lot stronger with the US, Mr Trump announcing that there will be further tax cuts, China saying that they are going to have higher fiscal deficits, and India was oddity in that sense that we were running counter cyclical both fiscally as well as monetarily.
We have also now moved, like I explained in the previous answer, that we have also moved fiscally and monetarily. So, in totality given the opportunity that it currently presents, I would still be saying that one needs to take up equity exposure at this point of time.
Of course, this is not a slam dunk market where valuations have come to extreme bargain, where we can be saying that all of these risks are priced in, but to constantly be worried about what Mr Trump will do or what the flows are going to suggest, people may miss the opportunity that it presents itself today.