20+ Iron Door Design Ideas for Main Gate

Iron door designs have been a symbol of magnificence since eternity. This blog explores 20+ modern iron gate design ideas, custom styles, maintenance tips, and more for different types of entrances.

Providing protection from the outer world and giving an impressive appearance, your main gate design has a double purpose. So, going for an iron door main gate design is a wise choice. 

After all, doors are the entryway to your house. Therefore, they hold importance in the design and architectural world, as these are the parts any guests see first when they visit your space. At the same time, they also prove to be the wall between you and the world outside and provide protection to you in various forms. So, having a sturdy door for your home is actually very important. 

An iron door design is one of the most sturdy and durable options available for doors out there. And the best part is that you can get customised designs with impressive entrances with an iron door without actually burning a hole in your pocket. 

20+ Modern Iron Door Design Ideas for Main Gate 

In this blog, we have a look at 20+ different iron door main gate design ideas and which of them are suitable for what kind of houses. Read on: 

1. Waves on Main Gate Iron Door Design for Your Bungalow

The gate for your bungalow that is both sturdy and good-looking is a wave design. On straight rods aligned in order and on it, wave designs will look very pretty.

Waves Modern Iron Door Design
Wave-designed main gate iron door

2. Iron Door Design with a Metal Sheet

Why would you let passersby peek into your home? To maintain your privacy alongside making your entrance look good add an iron gate that is backed by a metal sheet. Paint the whole gate black.

Traditional style of a iron door in golden design with metal sheet
Metal sheet-backed iron gate

3. Gold Diamonds on Your Iron Door Design

No, not real diamonds. Add an iron door design that is fully curved in diamond shapes, and then paint only the shapes with a golden colour and the gate black to get an alluring look.

Iron door design with gold diamonds is a new design
Diamond-shaped iron gate design

4. Ornate Lattice Iron Door Design 

Lattice has a way of making everything beautiful. Do not believe us? One look at the image below, and you will see how latticework can beautify the entrance of your house when used in an iron door design. For instance, in the image below, the iron door with lattice gives the entryway such a good look that you simply want it to be a part of your home too. 

wooden door design with ornate lattice iron work
Lattice iron door design

5. Leaves on Your Main Gate Iron Door Design

Who said you need to restrict yourself to only flowers when thinking of decorating your iron door design? Various designs of leaves will do just fine and decorate your home with little intricacies that you will love. Either paint the leaves green or leave them in sync with the rest of the colour of your iron door – the leaves will only add to the charm of your entrance door, be assured. 

Image of a single iron leaf design on an iron door
Leaves curved entrance iron door design

6. A Pure Cast Iron Main Door Design

Get a pure iron door to protect your home and beautify it. A cast iron door with a not-so-detailed design will be a better choice.

Cast iron door design - modern iron door design
Cast iron entrance door

7. Pointed Iron Door Design

There is a motive behind making the ending of the iron doors poke sharp. It is made to protect the home from any kind of burglary or theft. Add this iron door design to ensure the safety of your home too.

Black iron grill design with golden spear head design on top
Safety poking iron door design

8. Antique Iron Door Design for Main Door

Add a proper “lohe ka darwaza” (iron door) design to your home to ensure security along with adding a royal look to your home. Do not forget to add circular handles to the door to raise its value. This antique-styled traditional iron door design is bound to floor many guests.

Vintage style iron door design with knocking hoops for main door
A royal iron door design

9. A Floral Motif Iron Door Design

Flowers spread beauty everywhere, and there is no reason they will not do the same for the entrance of your house. If you are somebody who has a design sense that is dainty and beautiful, then opting for a floral motif on the iron door design is a great option. Have the flowers in the colours of your choice or simply opt for a matte finish, as seen below, and you will have a design that will fetch you many compliments. 

Image of a floral motif in golden from an iron door design
Floral motif iron door design

10. A Simple Iron Door Design for Main Gate

Are you searching for a suitable iron gate for your bungalow? Add this only for the security iron gate, which will make your bungalow look more luxurious before you know it. 

Classic and simple iron door design in rust shade
Simple iron entrance door

11. A Sun Carved Iron Door Design

Warmth and power, strength and resilience are some of the things the sun stands for in the world of art. Having an iron door design with a sun carved into it, as depicted in the image below, is an amazing way to exude these temperaments about your home. Powerful and progressive, the sun carving on the entrance door of your house is all things praiseworthy.

Blue sun carved door in iron material
Sun-shaped iron door design in royal blue

12. Full-Length Iron Door Design for Main Gate

The large doors look magnificent. If you have the space to add a large iron door at the entrance, just do not think of another option. This is the best idea for you. It also gives added security to your home. 

Large golden modern gate design with detailed ironwork
The large iron modern gate design looks stunning (Image Source: Pinterest)

13. Dotted Iron Door Design for your Elegant Home

Minimalism has a charm to it, and the iron door design in the image below is proof. Simple and classy, this design with a dotted entrance pattern in a crisscross design is a great option for homes with double doors. Wouldn’t you agree?

Simple and classy iron door design for home
Dotted iron door design

14. Phased Straight-Lined Iron Door Design

Another beautiful yet minimal design for the entrance door is the phased straight-lined iron door. It is termed phased because the straight lines do not continue consistently. It is designed in phases.

Traditional style phase straight lined iron door door for entrance
Phased straight-lined iron door design

15. Iron Door Design with Crowned Head

A symbol of power, dignity, and class, the crown is everything extravagant and more. But who said that having a crown on the door is only for royalty? You can have an iron door design shaped like a crown too in your home and exude authority with your home interior design. 

Equally good for both commercial and private spaces, this type of design, as shown in the image below, works well on large gates that match the larger-than-life image of the crown. 

Beautify your home's entrance with a crowned head design in iron
Crown-headed iron gate design

16. Overhead Arched Full Structured Iron Door Design

If your design style is a mix of rustic paired with a contemporary look, then a fully structured iron door design, like in the image below, is a good option. Perfect for large houses in the countryside or big bungalows in the city, this type of design makes heads turn. 

The image below shows us that this design is complete with a non-moveable overhead arch matching the patterns on the main gate. Stunning is it not!?

Rustic yet contemporary overhead arch iron door design
Full structured iron gate design

17. A Bow-Like Iron Door Design

A bow design on the entrance iron gate is undoubtedly elegant. But it will be sturdier if you make it a double door instead of a single one.

Unique style bow like iron door for home
Bow-designed iron door

18. An Innovative Abstract Iron Door Design

Abstract designs are loved by the new generation. The abstract eye design on your entrance door therefore can transform the whole look of your home.

Make most of your iron door design using abstract cast iron
Abstract eye iron door design

19. Brick and Iron Doorway Design with Clock

Add an iron door at the entrance that has a clock attached to it. Like Big Ben, with a little maintenance, your home can turn into a landmark.

Classic bricks and iron door design for home with clock at the top
Click attached iron door design

20. Iron Door Design – Lotus Design on Iron Bar Door

The lotus flower symbolises strength and purity and is a great option for your iron door design. You can have them in a variety of sizes or can take inspiration from the image below and have a minimalistic design. This will not only make the entrance of your house beautiful but will also help add a positive charm to your premises. 

Simple white lotus design on door with red border
Lotus designed iron door design

21. Sliding Iron Door Design 

Private houses usually have low-height entrance doors that look super cool and luxurious. This sliding door has automatic functioning, ensuring easy accessibility, security and privacy. These doors are traditionally used in bungalows and villas for their main entrance. The main advantage of these doors is they simply glide through on a rail and do not block the road, unlike conventional doors. They are easy to install and operate and prove to be the best bet for your money. 

New style of sliding door in iron material
Sliding iron door design with automatic features for the main entrance

22. White Wrought Iron Door Design

Give your home entrance a warm and peaceful welcome with a gate as inviting as this. This simple wrought iron door design with a white finish looks absolutely stunning. This extended door infuses a natural flair into the atmosphere and is further beautified with a stone pillar on either side, adding sturdiness to the door. The white colour is so apt if you have ample greenery around. White enhances the colours and adds more grace to the greens. In addition, sleek black lanterns on the side pillars will lend a vintage feel to the entrance.

Classic and traditional white wrought iron door
Simple white wrought iron gate design

23. Mystical Iron Door Design 

While many iron door designs are available in the market, one that catches the eye of every passerby is the mystical modern gate design. The iron gate looks like one straight out of a movie and follows the rules of a traditional gate design. This modern gate design is perfect for houses with extended front yards and those who wish to go for something unique. The mystical iron door design can be tailored per the property owner’s requirements and may not necessarily have straight iron rods, like regular iron gates. This design has a timeless beauty and can be used in modern and traditional houses. However, before choosing this modern gate design, remember that it can be asymmetrical and may not go well with every house design. This design may be perfect for your home if you have ample exterior space. It is not recommended to small house owners as symmetry offers a better illusion of space. 

  New and unique mystical style of iron door design
The modern gate design is a timeless beauty 

24. Modern Gate Design – Wrought Iron Over Reflective Glass 

Wrought iron over reflective glass is a modern gate design, perfect for the front door. The glass is at the back so that the beautiful grill design is more visible to the eyes, and outsiders can admire the beauty of this iron gate. The reflective glass used is not see-through and so this gate design can be used as the main gate for your apartment or building. You can also customise the design to your preference. 

Wrought iron modern gate design against a glass plate with intricate detailing
Wrought iron modern gate design with a clear glass plate for the front door (Image Source: Pinterest)

25. Arched Sunburst Modern Gate Design

Nothing speaks grandeur more than this impressive modern gate design. This gate features a three-layered arched structure with a sunburst pattern on the top. The white stone archway enhances the presence of the door in the most ethereal way. Golden decorative elements adorn the iron gate from top to bottom. The main gate follows a grid pattern with ironwork detailing. The entire look of this modern iron gate is classy and traditional.

Arched sunburst modern gate design with ironwork and gold detailing
Arched sunburst modern gate design follows a three-layer structure (Image Source: Pinterest)

Things To Remember When Choosing Iron Main Door Design For Home

While most people focus on just the design when choosing an iron main door, there are other factors to consider as well. For better functionality, give the aspects mentioned below a solid check before finalising your design. 

  • Durability: Since the main door is susceptible to sudden changes in temperature and moisture, it is important to choose a high-quality iron door for better durability. Though iron is generally sturdier than other materials, its quality can vary. 

  • Security: Another aspect to consider when choosing an iron main door design for a home is the security it offers. While some designs may look more appealing, they may lack security. Ensure you choose a design that is not just aesthetic but also safe and resistant to break-ins. 

  • Energy Efficiency: Doors with an insulated core are recommended. These are effective in regulating indoor temperatures and saving energy. They are especially recommended for main doors. 

  • Functionality: Ensure the door improves the functionality of your home. Choose good-quality hardware and an easy-to-open and close design. The iron main door design should fit right into the dimensions of your entryway. 

Tips to Clean and Maintain Iron Doors

Learn below about how to keep your iron doors cleaned and maintained:

Iron is a metal where dust could draw moisture which leads to rusting and corrosion. Thus, it is important to stick to a regular dusting routine for your iron doors. 

Apart from regular dusting, it is important to wipe your doors once a month. However, make sure to use a mild cleanser to create a soapy mixture. You can buy it from the market and can also create it at home by mixing a teaspoon of vegetable-based soap or liquid castile soap with warm water. Keep in mind to not go for a window cleaner, a surface spray or any other harsh chemicals.

Wipe down your iron door using a soft cloth damp with the soapy mixture. Wipe it off from top to bottom. Once it’s done, rinse off the door completely using clean, warm water, either by the cup or a garden hose. Make sure that all the soapy mixture is removed from the door since any left behind might lead to discolouration. 

Water left on metal doors could be the reason for rusting. Thus, it is important to dry the doors right away. Use a dry, soft cloth or sponge to clean the water from the doors. Let it dry completely to maintain the finish of the door and prevent rusting. 

Once your door starts ageing, start checking it out to see if there is any sign of rust or corrosion. Simply look over the entire door or run your hand along it to feel any bumps on its surface. If you find some, take care of it then and there to protect it from any further damage.

Your iron doors can rust from time to time, especially the exterior ones. Take care of them to protect them from any damage. You can use a grinder or sandpaper to remove the rust or simply scrape off the rust with a wire brush. 

Once the rust is removed, make sure there is no dust left on the doors. This will help you protect your doors from further rusting so that they are ready for the primer and paint. You can use a small paintbrush to make the prime cover the entire surface, including the little cracks. 

Follow the instructions on the primer and let it dry for the time as mentioned since it varies depending on the humidity levels. Once it’s dry, paint the door in a metal paint colour and let it dry for at least 48 hours before using the door.

Benefits of Iron Doors

Be it the front door or the back door, people are opting for iron doors these days. Here are some major advantages of iron doors, making them an apt choice as compared to others.

  • Sturdiness: Iron doors have great toughness and sturdiness that add to the aesthetics and safety. They can withstand harsh weather conditions and don’t get wear and tear easily. 

  • Good Resale Value: Homes with iron door fittings catch the attention of home buyers more. It is suggested that you install an iron door at the front and back if you plan to sell your house or put it on rent. This will increase the value of your house by 5 per cent.

  • Better Security: Installing doors made from strong iron reduces the chances of burglars making a way inside your house. You can also have security features like locks and hinges for better secuity.

  • Easy Installation: Though they are heavy, iron doors are easy to install. If you plan to replace your front door, a professional can help you install it quickly.

  • Ample Choices of Designs: Iron doors come in an array of designs and shapes. You can choose from arch doors, double entry doors, square-designed doors, doors with glass panels, and more.

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Modern Gate Design Ideas For A Minimalistic Home  

Iron gate designs are mostly accustomed to meeting the traditional style of homes. But with an increasing demand for modern living spaces, customised iron doors are gaining popularity. The choice of iron doors for your home greatly depends on the style of decor and the colour palette you have chosen for your home. 

  • Sleek and simple iron doors are the perfect and obvious choice for contemporary buildings and apartments. These iron doors provide the required safety to the owners and create a grand and elegant entrance. 

  • Every home has a different character and essence to it and if you feel like you need something more personal for your home, you can always go for personalised iron doors.

  • Capturing the spirit of modernity and classic design, matte black painted iron doors with minimal golden detailing are one of the most stylish options for apartments and small homes. 

  • Double doors made up of wrought iron and backed up by reflective glass are also a beautiful option for luxury villas and grand apartments.

You can explore these options, or if you have any particular design in mind, you can couple it with some of the ideas shared above, and you will have an excellent modern iron door for your home.

Conclusion to Iron Door Design Ideas 

Having an iron door design for your main entrance is a great idea for your home, especially if you are looking for designer exteriors with a classy look. You can choose to have them in a variety of shapes and designs of your choice. 

In this blog, we looked at 20 different designs suitable for all kinds of homes – big and small. Which of these designs did you like best? Or which of these iron door designs is similar to the entrance of your own house? Shoot us a response in the comments section below, and let us know if our taste matches yours. 

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